ATSE is a Learned Academy

Australian Council of Learned Academies

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ATSE is a member of the Australian Council of Learned Academies (ACOLA)

This forum brings together the nation’s leading experts in science, technology, humanities and social sciences to provide advice and inform national policy, and to develop innovative solutions to complex global problems and emerging national needs. ATSE Fellows contribute to reports, issues papers and in-depth analysis produced by ACOLA.

Australian Academy of Science
Academy of the Social Sciences in Australia
Australian Academy of the Humanities
Australian Academy of Health and Medical Sciences
Australian Academy of Technological Sciences and Engineering

The five Members of ACOLA hold the individual formal recognition as a Learned Academy by the Australian Government through recognition under the Higher Education Support Act (HESA). They participate in ACOLA projects and activities, with Fellows receiving invitations to contribute or participate in our expert working groups and expert discussions on issues.