
For nearly 50 years, the Australian Academy of Technological Sciences and Engineering’s expert advice and world class STEM Career programs have helped grow great Australian technology and innovation.

Help us to provide evidence-based advice, celebrate excellence and equip Australians with STEM skills.

For nearly 50 years the Australian Academy of Technological Sciences and Engineering’s (ATSE) expert advice and world class STEM Career programs have helped grow great Australian technology and innovation. 

Can you donate to help fund independent advice to decisionmakers that fosters our next technological breakthroughs?

Donations to ATSE can help us:
  • Support secondary school students to become aspiring scientists and technologists through hands on, enquiry-based learning.
  • Pair industry leaders with PHD students to mentor them and help their careers thrive.
  • support women and diverse students to access undergraduate and postgraduate STEM scholarships at Australia’s leading universities.
  • guide more decisionmakers with robust, practical and evidence-based advice underpinned by science.
  • build international research-industry collaborations through grants and knowledge exchange workshops to address shared global issues.

A regular contribution helps us plan for the future and supports the continuity of our expert advice and sustainability of our programs.

All donations are tax deductible.

Why donate to ATSE 

By supporting the Academy, you will help to extend the impact and reach of our activities over the next five years and beyond to:
  • Support secondary school students to become aspiring scientists and technologists through hands-on, enquiry-based learning.
  • Pair industry leaders with PhD students to mentor them and help their careers thrive.
  • Support women and diverse students to access undergraduate and postgraduate STEM scholarships at Australia's leading universities.
  • Build international research-industry collaborations through grants and knowledge exchange workshops to address shared global issues.

Donations, partnerships and sponsorships from Fellows, organisations, foundations and friends provide much-needed investment for a range of existing Academy programs and new initiatives. ATSE engages hundreds of Australian schools with STEM content every year, through hands-on curriculum-linked activities and connecting primary and secondary school students to inspiring young scientists, technologist, and engineers. 

Your donation will help us to celebrate excellence in STEM, award upcoming innovators and equip the next generation with skills to build a better Australia and world. Your donation helps us to be an authoritative and independent voice to government and supports our world-class STEM career programmes.


Direct bank transfer

For donors or organisations who prefer to donate via bank transfer, our bank details are:

Name: ATSE

BSB: 063000
Account number: 0080 4125
Reference: Donor {First initial. Surname}

Please email us your details so we can provide you with a receipt.
Email: with a record of your EFT donation receipt


By including the Academy in your will, you will make a lasting contribution to the Academy’s work. If you are considering a bequest, the Academy would be very pleased to discuss your plan. If you have already included the Academy in your will, we would appreciate the opportunity to say thank you. For more information or a confidential conversation, please email

Donations are tax deductible

The Australian Academy of Technological Sciences and Engineering Limited is registered with the Australian Charities and Not-for-profits Commission and is listed by name as a Deductible Gift Recipient (DGR). It is covered by Item 1 of the table in section 30-15 of the Income Tax Assessment Act 1997. All donations of $2 or more are tax deductible. ABN 58 008 520 394



Our priorities

ATSE Our Priorities
Mitigating and adapting to climate change

ATSE supports climate change action by advising decision makers on technology led pathways toward a net zero future

Climate change
Net zero


ATSE Priorities Research (1)
Research translation & commercialisation

Lifting our industrial and business productivity through research, innovation and collaboration is a core priority for Australia as it seeks to diversify and grow its economy.

Research translation


ATSE Our Priorities 3
Pathways into & through STEM

We are inspiring young people about STEM and creating pathways to address the STEM skills shortage

STEM education
Diversity & inclusion
STEM Beyond School