Geoscience technologist

Dr James Johnson FTSE


Dr James Johnson FTSE

Dr James Johnson is a geologist with over 35 years’ experience, including private sector mining and mineral exploration and science leadership in government.

He is an international leader in applying geoscience to solving society’s major economic, social and environmental challenges.

James has led numerous teams of geoscientists and recorded a diverse array of achievements, from the discovery of two million ounces of gold reserves while in industry, to the creation of national geoscience programs for government attracting significant exploration investment to Australia.

He is passionate about building a more diverse and inclusive Geoscience Australia, in particular by engaging Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people.

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Geoscience technology

ATSE Division

Role and organisation (at time of election)
Chief Executive Officer
Geoscience Australia 

Social handles


Dr James Johnson FTSE was elected a Fellow a Fellow of the Academy in 2021.