Submission to the Productivity Commission

5 Year Productivity Inquiry: Australia’s Data and Digital Dividend

Digital futures


The Productivity Inquiry is conducting a consultation on the 5 Year Productivity Inquiry: Australia’s Data and Digital Dividend. The report was released on 23 August 2022, and it explores how digital technology and data can be used to improve Australia’s productivity.

ATSE provided a previous Submission on Australia’s productivity performance in March 2022. The Interim Report 2 submission provides the opportunity for ATSE Fellows to offer additional input for the final productivity report, which is expected to be released in February 2023.

ATSE welcomes the opportunity to respond to the Productivity Commissions 5 Year Productivity Inquiry: Australia’s data and digital dividend. 

Recommendation 1: The Australian Government should develop a regulatory framework which supports new digital technologies. 

Recommendation 2: The Australian Government should provide clarification on data sharing regulation between States and the Commonwealth. 

Recommendation 3: The Australian Government should develop a data sharing framework which supports robust anonymisation of data and in-turn facilitates sharing. 

Recommendation 4: The Australian Government should develop a framework to provide research data sets to the Australian research community. 

Recommendation 5: The Australian Government should engage research institutes to work with Government suppliers on adopting and maintaining cyber security technologies. 

Recommendation 6: The Australian Government should develop a regulatory framework which supports victims of data breaches. 

Recommendation 7: The Australian Government should develop regulations to govern the ethical design and development of data systems and tools. 

Recommendation 8: The Australian Government should develop a regulatory framework on Indigenous Data Sovereignty. 

Recommendation 9: The Australian Government should consider the requirements of digital infrastructure beyond a 5-year period when developing regulation on minimum level of access to telecommunications services. 

Recommendation 10: The Australian Government should consider existing relevant international and Australian digital and data standards as part of any project initiation. 

Recommendation 11: The Australian Government should recognise data as an asset. 

Recommendation 12: The Australian Government should bring spatial data under one standard and release it as open source.