Strategic advice

We publish submissions to government, research reports with industry, and explainers for the public and policy-makers to show how science, technology and engineering can solve Australia's complex challenges.

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Showing 199 Results

Engineers Blueprints Istock 1164943426
Jul 2024
Small Modular Reactors – The technology and Australian context explained

SMRs could potentially form part of Australia’s future low-carbon energy mix, utilising existing transmission infrastructure and contributing to baseload power, or providing dispatchable power in a high-renewables grid. As an emerging technology, in 2024 the cost and operational performance of this technology has not yet been demonstrated.

Net zero
Istock 1459471512
Jul 2024
Submission to a National Urban Policy for Australia

The proposed National Urban Policy supports UN's Sustainable Development Goal 11 (sustainable cities and communities), and links with a range of other SDGs, including Goal 3 (good health and wellbeing), Goal 9 (industry, innovation and infrastructure), and Goal 13 (climate action). 

Jun 2024
Submission to the Roadmap for First Nations Digital Inclusion

ATSE welcomes the First Nations Digital Inclusion Advisory Group’s initiative to develop a Roadmap for First Nations Digital Inclusion. This submission draws on the input of ATSE Fellows and participants in our STEM Careers programs – including Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people - to put forward the following evidence-based recommendations for developing the roadmap.

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May 2024
Submission to the Defence Trade Legislation Amendment Regulations consultation

ATSE’s submission acknowledges the improvements made to the defence trade controls legislation amendments in response to concerns raised by ATSE on unintended consequences for research.

2. IMG Our Priorities 10
May 2024
Submission to the Climate Change Authority 2024 Issues Paper

ATSE thanks the Climate Change Authority for the opportunity to comment on the 2024 Issues Paper. Setting 2035 emissions reduction goals is particularly timely in the context of the Government’s six sectoral plans for decarbonisation.

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May 2024
Submission to the Policy Review of the National Competitive Grants Program

ATSE’s submission makes 6 recommendations about using the NCGP to support research in Australia. ATSE argues for using the NCGP to champion underinvested in types of research, including fundamental, Interdisciplinary, null result and replication research. It calls for research funding to be moved towards 3% of GDP and calls for funding the full cost of research.

Research translation
Istock 1992839328
May 2024
Submission to Adopting Artificial Intelligence (AI)

ATSE’s submission considers that a coordinated response is needed to adopt and regulate AI and ensure continued public participation in AI-related decisions. AI can grow industries to be globally competitive and create new and high-paying jobs.

Digital futures
IMG SYF Water 230321
May 2024
Submission to the National Water Agreement consultation

ATSE welcomes a consultation on a future National Water Agreement. We support the inclusion of themes for water quality, climate change and population growth, transparency in decision-making, and Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander engagement.

ATSE IMG Soyabeans Crop
May 2024
Submission to the Inquiry into Food and Beverage Manufacturing in Australia

The food and beverage industry is on the brink of transformation with technologies like AI and automation offering opportunities to drive innovation, enhance productivity, and promote sustainability.

Agriculture & Food