
Digital Transformation Strategy

Digital futures


Digital Transformation Strategy

Published February 2021

PDF 193 kb

The Digital Transformation Agency’s (DTA) refresh of the Digital Transformation Strategy is taking place in the context of significant current events such as the COVID-19 pandemic, which has resulted in changing attitudes toward digital services and the rapid acceleration of data and technology-driven transformation.

In this context ATSE sees a range of priorities and opportunities for a refreshed strategy and recommends the following seven priorities:

  • Embrace a citizen-centric approach
  • Nurture public trust in government handling of citizen data
  • Establish a ‘whole of government’ data architecture
  • Embrace emerging technologies (such as artificial intelligence and the Internet of Things)
  • Create transparent and measurable milestones, deliverables and undertake international benchmarking
  • Modernise service delivery by embracing current and emerging technologies
  • Adopt online support systems

Download our submission to read more.