Submission to the Department of Employment and Workplace Relations

Submission to the Jobs and Skills Australia consultation

ATSE welcomes the opportunity to provide a submission to the consultation on Jobs and Skills Australia’s functions and ways of working. ATSE participated in the August 2022 consultation on the legislation establishing Jobs and Skills Australia. ATSE’s submission highlighted how the enabling legislation could support robust data collection and expert input to understand skills supply and demand. This submission builds on these themes by suggesting how Jobs and Skills Australia can be best positioned to provide the analysis needed to tackle Australia’s skills needs.

ATSE makes the following recommendations:

Recommendation 1: That Jobs and Skills Australia develops and administers a National Skills Taxonomy in consultation with the skills and training sector to guide its data collection and activities.

Recommendation 2: That ‘equity and diversity’ is embedded as a guiding principle of Jobs and Skills Australia.

Recommendation 3: That Jobs and Skills Australia engages stakeholders including the learned academies in their planning and activities.