Submission to the Australian Human Rights Commission

Submission to the Wiyi Yani U Thangani Framework for Action for First Nations Gender Justice and Equality

The Wiyi Yani U Thangani (Women’s Voices) National Framework for Action on First Nations Gender Justice and Equality provides an important opportunity to transform the findings of the 2022 Framework into tangible change. The 2022 Framework provides crucial ideas and reforms including for the STEM (science, technology, engineering and mathematics) sector. ATSE is interested in this project and would like to offer its support and involvement in ongoing discussions about Traditional Knowledge, measurement, and knowledge sharing and learning. This submission highlights how the new Framework for Action can leverage outcomes of Australia’s Science and Research Priorities, and support data collection on STEM education and workforce participation. 

Recommendations from ATSE’s submission 

Recommendation 1: Engage with STEM sector leaders on implementing the Science and Research Priorities using Traditional Knowledge. 

Recommendation 2: Undertake quantitative and qualitative data collection on Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander women and girls’ participation in STEM. 

Recommendation 3: Use data-driven decision making for expanding and modifying programs to engage Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander women and girls in STEM. 

Recommendation 4: Engage the business community to create inclusive workplaces through initiatives such as ATSE’s Diversity and Inclusion Toolkit.