Bio-pharmaceuticals research leader

Dr Andrew Nash FTSE

Andrew Nash

Dr Andrew Nash FTSE

Dr Andrew Nash is a global leader in biopharmaceuticals. He is CSL’s Chief Scientific Officer and Senior Vice President, Head of Research. 

CSL is one of the world’s largest biotech companies and has invested more than US$4 billion in R&D in the last five years.

Andrew completed his PhD in Immunology and led an academic research group for eight years before transitioning to industry. He is an Honorary Associate Professor at the University of Melbourne. 

In his role, Andrew provides overarching scientific leadership at CSL and is directly responsible for its large global effort focused on the discovery of new medicines to treat rare and serious human disease. 

During his career, Andrew has contributed to the translation of many promising early research discoveries into new medicines that have progressed into clinical trials and beyond.

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Pharmaceutical research

ATSE Division

Role and organisation (at time of election)
Chief Scientific Officer
CSL Limited 

Social handles

Dr Andrew Nash FTSE was elected a Fellow of the Academy in 2021.