Review of the ERA and EI assessment frameworks



Review of the ERA and EI assessment frameworks

Published October 2020

PDF 195 kb

The Australian Academy of Technology and Engineering (ATSE)1 is pleased to contribute to the ARC review of the Excellence in Research for Australia (ERA) and Engagement and Impact (EI) assessment frameworks.

This review presents an important opportunity to not only look at advances and developments in the measurement of Australia’s research engagement and impact, but to also create a research evaluation system that engages with end-users and that has a positive impact on Australia’s society.

Since its launch in 2010, the ERA has largely succeeded at achieving its objectives, and is now an accepted benchmark for understanding and measuring Australia’s research achievement at the discipline level. The more recent EI is an important compliment to the ERA, in capturing the impact of research and engagement with industry.

Download the submission to read more.